Tamil Nadu Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Udayanidhi Stalin on Sunday refused to comment to media persons' queries on his son Inbanithi's photographs with his girl friend circulating on social media, saying that his son had completed 18 years of age and it was his personal affair.
The latest official release date for Akhil Akkineni's movie 'Agent' is April 28th. However, fans and business circles are still questioning whether the film will release as scheduled.
Hero Vishwak Sen’s second directorial venture Das Ka Dhamki will have a Pan India release on 22nd of this month.
Sara Ali Khan, the progeny of renowned Bollywood stars Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan, maintains a low-key presence on social media.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu is known for openly sharing her personal and professional experiences with fans on social media, including her recent challenges.
Deekshit Shetty appeared in Nani’s web series Meet Cute and the Kannada actor grabbed the opportunity to play an important role in the latter’s ambitious project Dasara.
Concept driven films are the need of the hour. Upcoming film, Ari falls under the same category and the newly released trailer shows it clearly.
As the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gears up to announce the recipients of its honours this year at the 95th edition of the Academy Awards on March 12 (IST 5.30 a.m., Monday), Indian cinema enthusiasts look forward in anticipation of an elsusive Oscar coming home.
Unfortunately, Rana and Victory Venkatesh have signed up for not just one, but three seasons of a web series.
The much-awaited film Dasara, starring Natural Star Nani, is set to premiere in the USA on March 29th, with Prathyangira Cinemas handling the grand release.
PAPA is a touching romantic drama that portrays the challenges and triumphs of relationships in the modern world.
The film Balagam starring Priyadarshi and Kavya Kalyan Ram is unstoppable at the box office. Particularly, the movie is faring well in rural areas.
A video of Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh's wedding quickly gained widespread attention. Since Naresh uploaded the video to his various social media
He is an up-and-coming mid-range hero, and she is his manager. Recently, the manager has become a hot topic in the inner circles of Tollywood.
Rajamouli, Ram Charan, and NTR toured the USA to promote their presence at the Oscars Awards event.